Category Archives: Hobbies

Pull up a chair and join the discussion…

If you were to meet me in person, one thing that would become obvious really quick is that I am a man of very few words. Very. Few. Words.

But, when I have something to say, I say it, usually keeping my opinions to a small circle of people, one of which is my long-time friend, Brian. Living on opposite sides of the country, both with busy schedules (aka excuses), we would talk infrequently – sometimes about sports, sometimes about movies, sometimes about music. During the height of the pandemic, we starting talking more frequently, which led Brian to ask if I’d be interested in doing a podcast. Why not press record on our conversations and see what happens?

So, in the gaps of our busy schedules, we started recording. We talked about the future of music – is it live performance, recorded music, or something else? We talked about our favorite movie scores; the most clutch performances; the value of horror movies and the Marvel Cinematic Universe; and why we got into music in the first place. Being from Massachusetts and growing up in the 80’s, we still call each other “Dude,” hence the name of our podcast. We’re total amateurs at it, but that’s okay!

Whether five people listen or 5,000, we enjoy doing it, and it makes me appreciate our friendship of over 30 years even more. You can check out our podcast landing page here. Feel free to listen to the trailer, subscribe, and join the discussion.

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Filed under Hobbies

EDC in a Post-COVID World

Some time ago, I wrote about my Everyday Carry, or EDC. I encourage you to check it out here.

In a nutshell, your EDC is the stuff you carry with you everyday – keys, wallet, phone, headphones – whatever you’ve deemed important or useful enough to take with you when you go out. I also wrote about how I look at EDC in terms of concentric circles: the stuff you carry on your person, the stuff you carry in your bag/backpack/purse/briefcase, and the stuff you keep in your vehicle. They should all compliment each other.

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Filed under Hobbies

Peloton – Six Month Review

In December, I gave a one month review of the Peloton stationary bike / fitness company. I talked about the pros and cons from my perspective, and gave it a positive review. I also said that I would report back in a few months and let you know if I still thought the hefty price tag was worth it. Well, it’s been six months since we purchased our Peloton and the verdict is in.

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